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February update


The Fathers Storehouse Ministries

February update


             We are anxiously waiting on the permit to begin construction on our new sleeping quarters for the homeless shelter! Be prayerful over this project for us :-) unless there is some unforeseen expense. This project is funded!!   Thank you Lord!

·       Full house… Our homeless shelter for women and children is at full capacity. The children here are such a joy!  If you know a woman and or child in need of shelter, they can call 336-905-4677 to check and see if we have an opening

·       valentines… We are excited to have nice new Bibles to give each lady as a Valentine gift. Pink, large print, red letter, index.  Candy , cupcakes, and teddy bears are on the way for the kids, pledged by some of you! Thank you!

·       Donations… We are holding off on clothing donations for the month of February so that we can work through the winter clothing and better prepare for the transition to spring clothing in March. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you understand! We are however, still receiving houseware, linens, food, hygiene, donations, etc.

·       Kitchen help… We are looking for some dedicated Kitchen help. If you’re looking for a niche to serve the Lord, we could certainly use you!  Every Monday, We serve a community breakfast to 100 people and on our program days we serve lunches.  Get in touch!

·       Widows room -did you know that we have an extra area just to honor the widows? This is like a tiny boutique for them to receive some extra blessings. If you have a new item that you received for Christmas that you can’t use or if you have perfume, lotion, clothing, etc., that is new we would love to be able to add it to the widows room, please mark your donation for the widows

·       Car reminder… If you have a car that is no longer of benefit to your family and you would like to donate it to bless someone else please keep us in mind. There are several ladies with children that do not have any transportation.  We have had  the privilege to give away quite a few  cars. It is a gift that really helps somebody get back on their feet!   To be eligible, Clients  have to have income, a valid drivers license, and insurance.

·       Meals and supplies… Thank you guys so very much for taking the time to click on sign-up genius on our Facebook page to provide meals for our shelter, we still have some dates that need covered. Please take a look if you will!  Also, a big thank you to each of you who have brought afterschool snacks, hygiene items, clothing needs, etc.. You have really answered the call.

We are so thankful for each of you and your faithfulness to give! It is through your generosity that we are able to meet so many needs and share the gospel of Jesus Christ! It is truly an honor to call each of you, brothers, and sisters in Christ!

~The Fathers Storehouse Missionary Team


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