The homeless project
As you know Thomasville North Carolina does not have a homeless shelter of any type. On many occasions, we have tried to get individuals into the area shelters only to find them full.
Greensboro, North Carolina recently set up a homeless pallet community which you may have heard about. The Father's Storehouse Ministries is going to implement that same type of homeless pallet community for Thomasville.
This is a big project that's going to take everyone in the community giving their part to bring it to fruition. The housing in a homeless community project has individual shelters that have 2 to 4 twin beds with storage underneath heating and a charging station for phones, etc. There is also a community room where meals can be shared, laundry room, showers, bathrooms.
Temporary shelter is officially allotted 180 days. Otherwise they become permanent housing which falls under a whole different set of guidelines.
The pallet communities open from November 1 until April 1 so that they bring relief during the coldest times of the year. There is 24 seven security. There are also caseworkers that work with each individual while they are in the housing community to help get them reestablished, and permanent, housing, jobs, etc.
We are in the planning , and fundraising stage.
We are in touch with Greensboro's Director of the Pallet community, utilizing the great knowledge he acquired while implementing their homeless pallet community.
We are looking for individuals, businesses, churches that want to see this greatly needed addition to the Thomasville area.
We are fundraising with a goal to have all funds in place by July with the plan of implementing the housing pallet community for the homeless by November.
This is a $1.2 million project. It sounds like a lot… And it is. But it could be as simple as 3000 people giving $400 and when you look at the whole city of Thomasville it's definitely doable.
Naturally, Many cannot give that much and there are many who can give more, so please give any amount that you possibly can so that we can Provide refuge from the winter for the homeless in our area. Below you will find a link that is specifically for the Homeless project.
During the worst time of peoples life, they are runoff from every area, and not even allowed a place to lay their head. Surely, as a society we can do better, and as a Christian organization, the Father's Storehouse ministries fully intends to do better.
It is our goal to house the homeless through the winter, provide heat, food, clothing, showers, and assistance in getting reestablished
If you can give a monthly donation February through July, that would make a greater impact on what is needed.
Please click on the link and give your best gift! Let's get going, time is of the essence!
God bless you all and thank you for loving and caring for people that are hurting.
"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest "
Thank you for joining us by giving your best gift in this effort to change lives!
