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Whether you are in need of assistance or if you are a donor, we welcome you to our new location!

Our new address is 609 National Hwy Thomasville, NC 27360 336-475-HELP(4357)

If you are in need of assistance our next programs are:

Widows and Seniors 65 and up on June 8

If you are 18-64 yrs old you are invited to come to our June 9,15 & 16 programs.

Check in by 9 am to be a part of that days program. Our programs include an encouraging guest speaker , food boxes, house ware, hygiene cleaning supplies, clothing, shoes, hair cuts, some furniture pieces, lunch, back to school, thanksgiving and Christmas assistance.

Once a year you bring your house hold income verification it can be a bank statement or online if needed. Food stamp verification would be the same. Bring Social or birth certificate for each child in your household if you wish to add them to your file. Must have custody or will review unusual circumstances if needed.

Once your file is established you can shop for free once per month. Come be blessed!

Donors, we hope you are as excited about our new location as we are! We are on one level which makes our life much easier!! Things that we need your help with:

* Donations toward the building fund, we would love to get the remainder of the mortgage paid off. During times of emergency and crisis money gets tight ,and it would make things much better to be unshakeable during these times. Needs continue regardless of the economy or pandemic situations.

* We are currently looking for. Mens shoes, underclothing, women's small shoes 6 or less, kids gently used shoes, pants, shorts. Small appliances, large appliances, small new items for our kids treasure chest in the lobby. New items for the Widows room.

* Are you a baker? dessert maker? looking for desserts for our community meal you would need to bring the Monday before programs for example June dessert drop off would be June 7 & 14

8:30-12:30. (it can be store bought)

* Cosmetologists needed to volunteer to do dry cuts one or two days per year. Schedule made out a year in advance. Can you help? Know someone you could mention to?

* Volunteer with some of the best people you will ever want to know!! Email us a note about your self we would love for you to serve the Lord with us!!


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